Diane Langberg on Shame

A few years ago, Dr. Diane Langberg presented on the topic of shame at the 2014 Community of Practice hosted by the American Bible Society. She describes the toxicity of shame as a distinct part of trauma, especially betrayal trauma. You will learn about the cognitive phase of shame, kinds of shame experienced and how the response to shame takes one of 4 common forms (i.e., withdraw, avoid, attack self, attack others).

Make sure you watch to the end as she shares some insights to how God understands and responds to our problem of shame. See how Jesus enters in to our shame.


Filed under Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, sexual abuse, trauma, Uncategorized

2 responses to “Diane Langberg on Shame

  1. Thank you so very much for the video.

  2. Lucy

    This is a powerful and important talk, however it is in dire need of a content warning, as Diane goes into graphic descriptions of scenarios involving severe interpersonal violence.

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